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Subject To Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design, by Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens, Bra

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To achieve success in today's ever-changing and unpredictable markets, competitive businesses need to rethink and reframe their strategies across the board. Instead of approaching new product development from the inside out, companies have to begin by looking at the process from the outside in, beginning with the customer experience. It's a new way of thinking-and working-that can transform companies struggling to adapt to today's environment into innovative, agile, and commercially successful organizations.
Companies must develop a new set of organizational competencies: qualitative customer research to better understand customer behaviors and motivations; an open design process to reframe possibilities and translate new ideas into great customer experiences; and agile technological implementation to quickly prototype ideas, getting them from the whiteboard out into the world where people can respond to them.
In Subject to Change: Creating Great Products and Services for an Uncertain World, Adaptive Path, a leading experience strategy and design company, demonstrates how successful businesses can-and should-use customer experiences to inform and shape the product development process, from start to finish.
- Sales Rank: #660271 in Books
- Brand: O'Reilly Media
- Published on: 2008-03-26
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.50" h x .77" w x 5.50" l, .77 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 192 pages
Features Review
The world in which we live and work is subject to change without notice, and succeeding amidst that uncertainty requires continuous improvement. The key to creating successful products and services in a rapidly changing world is not resistance to unexpected change, but the flexibility to adapt to it. With that in mind, Subject to Change presents ideas that will help you improve your work designing products and services that provide great experiences for your customers.
"Short, but powerful. Easy to read, yet profound. I’ve been searching for just this book: the one perfect book that summarizes the essence of modern product design. This is it. The lessons are as powerful as they are simple: The product is NOT the goal. Successful products are systems. Focus on the experience. This requires empathy, agile product management, real understanding of the target audience. This book practices what it preaches. I will use it in my courses for MBA students. You should use it for, well, for everyone. Short, simple, persuasive, and powerful."
Don Norman
Author of Emotional Design and Design of Future Things
Co-Founder Nielsen Norman group
"Customers don’t care about how innovative you are. They just want to be happy and satisfied. Learn from Adaptive Path a passion for finding and solving the problems that will matter to customers no matter what the future brings."
Scott Berkun
Author, The Myths of Innovation
"Wake up. The future of business isn’t about flying cars and robot butlers. Creating the future is really about changing the way your company connects with its customers. Use this book as your guide."
Jeffrey Veen Design Manager, Google
"Subject to Change presents complex, challenging ideas in simple, compelling language, with illuminating examples and no shortage of memorable phrases. At once authoritative and nimble, the book itself is an example of the kind of experience the authors admire. No matter who you are, it will change the way you think about design."
Michael Bierut
Partner, Pentagram
Author, 79 Short Essays on Design
"The principles set out in Subject to Change are essential for the design of any product, but especially relevant for the fast-moving world of web software. It used to be the case that a software product was designed once, and refreshed every couple of years. Software is no longer a product. It is a process, a dynamic service that evolves as it responds to constant interaction with its users. The essence of Web 2.0 design is to create a dynamic framework that harnesses the collective intelligence of customers in such a way that the software becomes almost alive. This terrific book teaches the mindset required for this new kind of design."
Tim O’Reilly
Founder and Publisher, O’Reilly Media
Most helpful customer reviews
23 of 25 people found the following review helpful.
It may sound like an ad, but it is also a wakeup call
By Christina Liu
Looking at the other reviews for this book, it appears people either love it or hate it. It does make repeated references to the authors' consulting company and the "success stories" they have achieved using the principles in the book. That being said however, if you simply "tune out" the self-gratifying bits, there is quite a bit of useful content in this book and it is laid out well. I started reading it on a cross-country US flight and found that I could not put it down. I did gloss over the "advertorials" for Adaptive Path, but could readily relate to the pitfalls described as my current company (and several previous companies) have fallen into the trap of thinking that customers simply want more features and functions crammed into a single product. I actually applied what I read in the meeting that I was flying to, tuning my comments and suggestions away from features and traditional product design and development methods. Instead I looked at it from the vantage points discussed in the book -- designing for the user experience and designing a "system" of products that work together instead of cramming it all into a single product. And it worked -- we resolved several lingering product issues by looking at the overall experience the user expects instead of the minutiae of the functions and screens.
This book is a wakeup call for product designers and marketers -- stop focusing on features and try to understand what the user really wants to accomplish with the product. While this is not radical new thinking, the straightforward style in which the information and concepts are presented should make it easy for just about anyone to finally achieve a "d'oh!" moment when it comes to designing products and services.
16 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
disappointing and flawed discussion of user experience design
By Nadyne Richmond
I was disappointed when I got my pre-order of this book. At a scant 160 pages, I was skeptical that it could offer very much insight.
On reading it, I was proven correct. Much of the book was nothing more than an extended advertisement for Adaptive Path. Case studies were too short to learn much from. The only case study really discussed in depth was of Target's new prescription bottles, which have been discussed more in depth and more usefully in too many other books.
The book's eight chapters are full of short sections; many of them read as though they are blog entries. They're strung together with little regard for content or context. The seventh chapter, a flawed discussion of agile development, is completely worthless. The book could have been so much better if the authors had taken the time and effort to better consider their arguments and write a more cohesive work.
If you can look past the book's many shortcomings, there are some interesting nuggets in there. Sadly, the useful bits comprise less than 10% of the book, but they're good enough to earn this book two stars.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Advice and Advertisement
By Glenn
I got this book about product marketing because I wanted to gain insight on the marketing of my own product [...] so I was a little frustrated by the overall direction and focus of the book which is to motivate the reader into hiring Adaptive Path. All four authors either currently work for or have recently worked for that marketing company. According to the on-line edition of the book, there are twenty eight references to Adaptive Path in the content.
While light on theory, the book does give good advice. This advice is mostly in the form of what not to do. This most probably reflects Adaptive Path's pain points in earlier engagements with customers. Don't use competition as your main driver. Don't depend on novelty. Don't get stuck on research or reporting. Don't get stuck on product design. Don't over-engineer. Don't get too confident about what you think your customers want.
If there is only one important take away from this book, then I believe that it would be this. It's all about the user experience. What you should be focusing your design efforts on is the user experience. What you should be focusing your strategy on is the user experience. The only thing you do that your customers care about is their experience of your product or service.
They heavily advocate using an Agile methodology. They agree with early prototyping, failing fast, and continuous customer involvement. They are lukewarm on the SPARC model.
See all 22 customer reviews...
Subject To Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design, by Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens, Bra PDF
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Subject To Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design, by Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens, Bra PDF
Subject To Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design, by Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens, Bra PDF
Subject To Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design, by Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens, Bra PDF
Subject To Change: Creating Great Products & Services for an Uncertain World: Adaptive Path on Design, by Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens, Bra PDF